Tech-Talk: ANTIVIRUS- An Indispensable Tool for Our Security

ANTIVIRUS- An Indispensable Tool for Our Security


ANTIVIRUS- An Indispensable Tool for Our Security

Due to the fact that nowadays the exchange of information and communication between people are very frequently carried out by electronic means, we must have protection mechanisms for our computer equipment, as a measure to protect confidentiality, integrity and availability. of our information. Of the fundamental tools required for the protection of our computers , Antivirus software is at the top of the list , which is a computer program that, through a file scan, aims to detect, identify and eliminate malware.


User interface: is the means by which a user can communicate and interact with antivirus software and make settings

Search engine: the search engine is the brain of the antivirus software as it is responsible for the search and detection of malware, using the virus definitions database. As new viruses are created, the engine must be updated so that it can search areas, files or systems that have not been checked before.

Virus definition database: contains updated files on malware signatures and is used by antivirus software to detect them. It is essential that the virus definition database is always up-to-date for efficient and early detection that includes the latest viruses.

There are three technologies used by antivirus programs to detect malware, these are:

a)    Matching signatures (Matching signature): This technology is based on the search for matches between the scanned files and records of the signatures of malware (contained in the database definition of virus). Detection occurs when there is a match between the points in comparison. The drawback of this technology lies in the need to previously have the signature associated with the malware in order to detect it, which requires the user to make periodic updates to the database containing the malware's signatures.

b) Heuristic (Heuristic): This technology consists in that antivirus software can detect malware that does not yet have the associated signature. This is possible through the use of a malware behavior signature database. To carry out the detection, the antivirus software that uses this technology, analyzes the code for any routine or subroutine and compares it with the behavioral signatures stored in the database (static level), on the other hand if the heuristic technology recurs to the execution in a virtual machine that allows analyzing the behavior of the malware it is called dynamic level. The disadvantage of using this technology is that due to its operation it can cause false positives.

c)    Verification Integrity (Integrity checksum): This technology is based on the idea that a malware that want to infect a system, you must make changes in it to meet its goal. An example of this could be the presence of a virus that overwrites a system file, adding malicious code inside the file (it mainly occurs in this type of files because they are in reserved areas and are minimally accessed by users). The method resorts to obtaining the checklist of clean malware files and any alteration in this value will indicate that a modification has been presented, which may indicate the presence of a malware. The disadvantages of using this method is the generation of false positives, as well as its inefficiency towards the detection of macro viruses or those viruses capable of inserting themselves into memory and achieving their execution without the need to be previously stored within a file.

Another important point is the malware detection process; this is done through two operating procedures which are defined in Table 1:

Table 1. Operating procedures






(Real Time)




(on-demand scanner)


They search for malware when a file is accessed or an application is run.



The user can indicate at any time, the review of the file, folder or content in search of malware.



It can be programmed to perform checks on all files for malicious code.






It only performs the check when the file is accessed, in case an infected file is hosted on the hard drive and is not accessed, the antivirus software will not be able to detect it.






It offers a good evaluation of the system at a single point in time (only at the moment it is invoked).

The evaluation criteria that home users, businesses, and institutions might consider to select the right Antivirus Software for their needs are presented in Table 2:





Two important aspects within this criterion are: the number of viruses that the software can detect (known as detection speed) and under what circumstances it can perform it (detection on shared network resources, via email or if it is running in memory).


Verify the type of technologies included in the product (compatibility with software and hardware, operation process --real time, on Access scanner--, technologies used to perform the detection.


Due to the importance of updating the virus definitions database, it is advisable to choose an antivirus that is easy to update and for which database updates are performed more frequently.

In addition, the time in which the update process is carried out must be evaluated.


Impacts that affect the performance of the computer equipment where it was installed.


In the case of business environments, the importance of being able to centralize the management of antivirus software, which allows setting update periods, establishing policies, verifying the protection of clients and servers.

qTechnical support

Know the different levels of support available (home user, corporate solutions), as well as the means to provide support (online, telephone contact). As well as alerts about unknown malware that represents a high risk for computer equipment.

Third party reviews and evaluations

Evaluations published by third parties, which allow to know in depth the performance of an antivirus software under particular evaluation procedures.

Products and vulnerabilities

Identify the vulnerabilities detected in the antivirus software.

Distributor profile

Research information about distributors, their position and recognition in the market, as well as how long they have been in it.

 Table 2. Evaluation criteria

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