Tech-Talk: Viruses That Invade Your Computer even after having Antivirus Software

Viruses That Invade Your Computer even after having Antivirus Software


Viruses That Invade Your Computer even after having

Antivirus Software

Surfing the Internet every day is like going out on the street, so we expose ourselves to various dangers that circulate on the Internet, camouflaged in various presentations. Worm or Trojan names may sound familiar to us, but we do not know their true impact as computer viruses.

There are different types of computer viruses and classifications. Computer viruses can affect according to replication goals and techniques. The best known are:

Resident virus:

They are those that are inserted into the computer's RAM memory, as part of the operating system when they are executed. They are difficult to identify and eliminate. They overwrite and break code and other functions.

Non-memory resident virus:

When it runs it scans the disk for targets and infects them, then it goes away. That is, it does not stay in memory after it runs.

Direct-acting virus:

They remain inactive on a computer until the file containing the virus runs. Its target is a specific type of file, usually executables or .exe. They are easy to detect and remove.

Boot Virus or Boot Sector:

They hide in files on USB sticks, in email attachments, CDs or DVDs. They get their name because they are activated when the computer reads one of these devices and thus infects the hard disk. They may require system formatting, because they infect the disks containing the files.

Multipartite viruses:

This is another type of virus that invades your computer, infects and spreads in different ways. They affect program files and system sectors at the same time. They perform unauthorized actions on the operating system, files, and programs.

Polymorphic viruses:

They can alter your code when replicated, therefore they are difficult to detect. 

Overwrite virus:

They spread through emails and delete all the files they infect. They write within the content of the file, which makes the files partially or completely useless.

Macro-virus or document virus:

This virus is written in a language framework, embedded in documents so that when people open a file that they receive in the mail, the virus code runs and infects the computer. That is why you should not open files in suspicious emails. 

Email virus:

They are those who intentionally use email systems to expand. They are aware of the functions of the mail system. They generally target one type of system, such as Microsoft Outlook.


They collect email addresses from various sources and can attach copies of themselves to all emails sent. Or they can also generate emails that contain copies of themselves as attachments. Apart from the types of viruses that invade your computer, we must also mention malware, which are another classification of files that damage our computers.

Other types of Malware or Malicious programs:

We already mentioned that the term malware can be confused as a virus. In general, these affect many computers, so we decided to include them in this list as well.


Trojans are the most famous group of malware out there. Their strength lies in the fact that they achieve a level of camouflage that may go unnoticed by some versions of antivirus, such as a regular program or a utility. It is frequently used by programmers and is housed in various applications and files in the operating system. Mobile versions have even been created , where its effect can be much more lethal. It is linked to questionable email attachments and unofficial license programs. It is fought with antivirus and antitrojans.


It can generate automatic replicas and travel through all existing network systems, both internal and external. It is controlled with antivirus and firewall.

It uses a host computer to scan and then infect other computers. They differ from viruses in that they cause some damage to the network or consume bandwidth. While viruses corrupt or modify files.


It is a more specialized class of malware, since it is basically a spyware. Its objective is to steal all the information from your computer and pass it on to its owner. It is one of the main avenues for the success of cybercrime. They are used mainly to steal information and store the movements of users on the web and show pop-ups to users. Some spyware is intentionally placed on corporate or public computers to monitor users.


They can collect data of any kind, such as online browsing habits, passwords, banking information, among others.


It is a fake antivirus that is offered to us as a solution to detected threats. It is present in various environments for illegal downloading of files, adult content, free programs, etc. It acts by simulating that it does a scanner of our computer and disinfects the equipment, when in reality it is doing the opposite.


This type of malware that is much more specialized than the previous ones. It threatens to publish the victim's data or forever block access to their computer unless a fee is paid. Hence the translation of the name is data hijacking.


The most advanced techniques are cryptovirus extortion, which encrypt the victim's files making them inaccessible. If done right, it is impossible to crack that key. They are carried out using Trojans, which look like legitimate files.


It is aimed at recording, capturing and collecting all the keyboard movements performed by you regularly. They are accompanied by Trojans and can be installed not only digitally, but also through devices. Their goal is to steal information and blackmail.


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