Control- Tips To Protect Children on Internet
we have seen in recent decades, new technologies - such as the
Internet - are a double-edged sword. As for minors, on the one hand they
are very useful for their education, entertainment and development; however,
they also carry certain risks.
and adolescents have a very powerful tool in their hands and, due to their age,
they are not fully aware of its dangers. Therefore, as parents, we
have to ensure the online safety of our children.
you, are you informed about what your child does when he connects to
the Internet?
Seven tips to protect
your children on the Internet
you haven't already done so, don't hesitate to put these tips into practice to
protect your children online.
of vital importance!
1. - Make your child aware of
the dangers of the Internet . Emphasize the importance of being
careful with their identity, their data, their photographs, their behavior ...
prove that your warnings are real rather than the inventions of a neurotic
father, you can have them read news on the subject: I recommend you search
for grooming (sexual abuse on the Internet). Be direct with him, not
intending to scare him, but to inform him: he has to know what the real
situation is so as not to fall into any adult “trap”.
you are older to use the Internet, you are older to understand the dangers and
take responsibility for your behavior on the Internet.
- If possible,
leave the computer in a common place in the house, which is within your sight
from time to time. If your child has the computer in his room, he
takes it to "his territory", and that way there is more probability
that he will be exposed to unwanted situations in the privacy of his room,
without parental
3. - Mark time limits
and clear rules of use. Using the computer must be a reward
after the obligations, and not before them. From our own experience we know
that, when we are sailing, we lose control of time and it flies
by. So help your child to maintain a proper balance between using the
Internet and other activities.
4. - Find out how the Internet
and social networks work, create a profile, explore. So when your child
tells you something about it, you can tune in. Also learn about how to
protect your privacy on social networks (photos, comments, friends
...) and then pass it on to your child.
5. - As we always say, communication
is key to being aware of what your child is doing. Take an interest
in what he does with the computer, but without it becoming an interrogation.
their privacy and let them know that, in the event of any problem, there
is enough trust for their parents to be the first to know. Make
it clear that you will always be on their side, trying to help.
6. - If you discover - by accident
or not - something that he is doing wrong, go straight ahead :
tell him what you know and how you found out. Explain why what they are doing
is wrong, and come up with a solution together.
7. - Teach him to take care of his
actions on the net. As in real life, not everything is allowed: what is
wrong and illegal is still so behind the screen. There are many minors
reported for misbehavior on the Internet: offenses to other minors,
violation of privacy, Cyberbullying, sexting. Young people (and, in
general, the majority of users) feel less responsible for their bad actions if
they do them on the Internet, due to anonymity. Help him understand
that everything he does on the web can be tracked.
Help him extract the best of the Internet
begin to make use of new technologies earlier and earlier, possibly so early
that they are not yet able to take full responsibility for their
actions. Parental
this reason, your child needs you to help him take advantage of all the good
that he can get from the Internet, both for fun and to learn
thousands of new things.
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